About the author Bo Zhang is the honorary dean of Tsinghua University’s AI institute and a professor in the university’s Department of Computer Science. He is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chief Scientist at AI safety/security start-up RealAI, and technical consultant for Microsoft Asia Research Institute. He is one of the founding figures of China’s AI field.

This is an English translation of a piece titled “Academician Zhang Bo: Make Responsible AI” (张钹院士:做负责任的人工智能). The piece is a transcription of a speech delivered online by Zhang to the World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit’s “AI and Digital Ethics Sub-Forum” on November 10, 2022.
▶ Cite Our TranslationConcordia AI. “Bo Zhang — Chinese Perspectives on AI Safety.”, 29 Mar. 2024,
▶ Cite This Work张钹(2022-11-10). “做负责任的人工智能”. 在世界互联网大会乌镇峰会人工智能与数字伦理分论坛上的演讲.
Make Responsible AI
The first person who proposed that there might be ethical risks in the development of robots was Asimov, an American science fiction novelist, in his novel “Runaround.” The year was 1942, long before the birth of AI. He also proposed methods to avoid risks — the well-known “three laws of robotics.” Putting forward these issues at that time showed foresight. Later, the physicist Hawking and others continued to put forward similar warnings, but these warnings weren’t taken seriously by everyone, especially not by the AI community.
Make Responsible AI
The first person who proposed that there might be ethical risks in the development of robots was Asimov, an American science fiction novelist, in his novel “Runaround.” The year was 1942, long before the birth of AI. He also proposed methods to avoid risks — the well-known “three laws of robotics.” Putting forward these issues at that time showed foresight. Later, the physicist Hawking and others continued to put forward similar warnings, but these warnings weren’t taken seriously by everyone, especially not by the AI community.
The reason was that the foundations of the argument were not sufficient. Those sounding the alarm believed that the continuous progress and development of machines would one day lead to their intelligence exceeding that of humans, and especially when machines gained subjective consciousness, that is, when so-called "superintelligence" emerged, humans would lose control over machines and there would be catastrophic consequences1. This "technical logic" was not convincing for most AI researchers because everyone knew that AI research work was still in the exploratory stages, progress was slow, and there were still many difficult problems. It is not easy to build a "superhuman" robot. In addition, it has always been controversial whether the goal of "superintelligence" can be achieved through so-called "artificial general intelligence". Therefore, we believed that these risks were only concerns for the far future, and we were not in a hurry to consider them.
However, after the rise of deep learning based on big data at the beginning of this century, people's understanding has changed a lot. They feel deeply that the ethical risks of AI are right in front of us and governance is a pressing problem! Why? As you know, deep learning based on big data has been widely used in various fields to complete tasks such as decision-making, prediction and recommendation, with significant impacts on human society. However, people soon found that deep learning algorithms based on big data had problems such as opacity, uncontrollability and unreliability, making it very easy to unintentionally misuse AI technology2, which could bring serious consequences to human society.
As you know, with current AI technology we can generate high-quality text and images that meet a user's requirements through a generative neural network. However, the same neural network can also generate text and images that are full of prejudice (racial, gender, etc.), partiality, and errors and do not conform with the user's requirements. This happens completely out of the user's control. It is conceivable that making decisions or predictions based on these incorrect generated texts could bring serious consequences that undermine fairness and impartiality.
We previously thought that only when the intelligence of a robot approached or exceeded that of human beings would we lose control of it. Unexpectedly, despite machine intelligence still being so rudimentary, we have already lost control of it, much faster than anticipated. This is the very serious reality facing us.
Asimov put forward a plan to avoid the ethical3 crisis in the "Three Laws of Robotics", which are: "First, robots must not harm humans, or cause humans to be injured due to inaction; Second, robots must obey the commands of humans, unless these commands conflict with the first law; Third, robots must protect their own existence, as long as this protection does not violate the first or second law". In a word, human beings should maintain firm control over machines. Let machines be slaves to humans! Can this approach solve the ethical crisis posed by machines? The answer is obviously no!
In fact, in the early days of "non-intelligent" machines we made "machines completely obey the commands of humans". But if we want machines to develop in the direction of intelligence, we can't let them be completely at the mercy of human beings. We need to give them a certain degree of freedom and initiative. It is based on this principle that generative neural networks make use of the mathematical tool of "probability" to enable machines to generate rich and diverse texts and images. But it’s also for this reason that there is definitely some probability (possibility) of generating text and images that don’t meet the standard required and are harmful. This is the price we have to pay when giving machines intelligence - it’s difficult to avoid.
So is it possible for us to limit incorrect behavior from a machine by setting strict ethical principles for it? In fact, this is also very difficult! Not only because it is difficult to accurately describe "ethical" principles, but also because such principles - even if they could be defined - would be difficult to implement. To take a simple example, if a self-driving vehicle is driving along an ordinary road, if we stipulate that the vehicle must strictly abide by traffic rules, this "principle" should be very clear. However, if there are also manned vehicles and pedestrians on the road carrying out "intentional or unintentional violations of traffic rules", the self-driving vehicle cannot drive to complete its own task. For example, the self-driving vehicle might need to merge to the left in order to turn left, but be unable to do so because the vehicles in the left lane are not maintaining the prescribed distance between them. This shows that if a self-driving vehicle must strictly abide by traffic rules while also completing the task of reaching its destination, it is difficult to simultaneously attend to both goals in an uncertain traffic environment. We can see that the development of AI will inevitably disrupt the field of ethics and traditional norms.
The insecure, untrustworthy and brittle nature of deep learning algorithms also brings opportunities for intentional abuse. People can maliciously exploit the brittleness (non-robustness) of algorithms to attack them, resulting in the failure of AI systems based on such algorithms, or even destructive actions. Deep learning can also be used to fake things - that is, so-called "deepfaking". Through AI "deepfaking", a large volume of realistic fake news (fake videos), fake speech (fake audio), etc. can be produced, disturbing social order and framing innocent people.
Intentional abuse and unintentional misuse of AI both need governance, but the nature of governance is completely different for these two problems. The former will require legal constraints and oversight by public opinion: a form of governance involving compulsion. The latter is different. It will require formulating corresponding evaluation standards and rules, conducting strict scientific evaluation and end-to-end supervision of the research, development and use of AI, and taking remedial measures after problems occur to help people avoid misuse of AI.
Fundamentally speaking, the research, development and application of AI need to be people-oriented; we need to make responsible AI, starting from ethical principles of impartiality and fairness. To this end, we need to work hard to establish interpretable and robust AI theory. Only on this basis can we develop safe, trustworthy, controllable, reliable and scalable AI technology, and ultimately promote the fair, impartial and universally beneficial application and industrial development of AI. This is the line of thinking we advocate for in developing the third generation of AI.
AI research and governance need the participation and cooperation of people in different fields all over the world. In addition to those engaged in AI R&D and use, they also need the participation of people in different fields such as law, morality and ethics. We need to clarify the standards of ethics and morality and what it means to be "moral" and "ethical". Different countries, ethnic and other groups and individuals have different understandings. Therefore, we need global cooperation to jointly develop a set of standards that are in line with the interests of all mankind. Human beings are a community of shared destiny4. We believe that through joint efforts, we will find standards that meet the common interests of mankind. Only when researchers, developers and users of AI abide by jointly formulated principles can AI develop healthily and benefit all mankind.”
Translator’s notes
1. It is not clear whether ‘subjective consciousness’ (主观意识), here presented as a necessary condition for superintelligence, entails the ability to feel, an awareness of one’s situation in the world, or something else.
2. Misuse (误用) can also be translated as ‘use incorrectly,’ and is distinct from abuse (滥用).
3. Zhang uses the term ‘ethical crisis’ to refer to a problem that AI safety researchers would typically describe as a control/safety problem.
4. This draws on a slogan commonly used in Chinese politics and diplomacy.