This section collates excerpts from the work of influential Chinese philosophers and humanistic thinkers about risks that threaten outright human extinction or leave humanity in a drastically inferior state.

All of the curated scholars recognize the development of powerful technologies, especially advanced artificial intelligence, as among the most serious existential risks that humanity faces.

Huaihong HE ︎︎︎

  • Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Director of the Ethics Teaching and Research Section, Peking University 
  • Author of Social Ethics in a Changing China - Moral Decay or Ethical Awakening?

Zhouying JIN ︎︎︎

  • Senior researcher and professor, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) 
  • President and founder of the Beijing Academy of Soft Technology 
  • Author of Global Technological Change: From Hard Technology to Soft Technology 

Chinese Perspectives
on Existential Risks from AI

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