Zhouying JIN
About the author Professor Zhouying Jin is a senior researcher and professor at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). She is president and founder of the Beijing Academy of Soft Technology and author of Global Technological Change: From Hard Technology to Soft Technology. Projects she has led at CASS include Strategy Research for the Nation’s High-Tech Research and Development Plan and Long-term Strategy Integration and Sustainable Development. Jin was named by Ross Dawson in a list of the world’s top female futurists.
关于作者金周英,中国社会科学院数量经济与技术经济研究所研究员,博士生导师,中国社会科学院原技术创新和战略 管理研究中心主任。创建并担任北京软技术研究院院长;世界未来协会中国分部主席;被罗斯道森网评为“全球优秀的女性未来学家”(上榜的世界 100 多位中唯一的中国学者)。

The following excerpts are taken from Jin’s The Future of Humanity (Second Edition) (2022), translated from the Chinese 《人类的未来》 by Lane Jennings. We made a few minor edits to improve the accuracy and clarity of the translation. We precede each excerpt with our own bolded summary of the key point.
▶ Cite Our Translation
Concordia AI. “Zhouying Jin — Chinese Perspectives on AI Safety.” Chineseperspectives.ai, 29 Mar. 2024, chineseperspectives.ai/Zhouying-Jin.
▶ Cite This Work
金周英(2022). 人类的未来:从全球文明到伟大文明. 湖南科技出版社.
Selected excerpts
Exploring long-term human futures must be a broader endeavor:
“From any credible perspective, we are standing at a crossroads in the history of human civilization… Yet even now serious attempts to explore long-term human futures are largely limited to members of the scientific or futurist communities, while the general public – when it thinks about the future at all – generally does so on the basis of extreme visions offered in works of popular science fiction, which, while highly entertaining, can also be highly misleading and hence very dangerous.”
Exploring long-term human futures must be a broader endeavor:
“From any credible perspective, we are standing at a crossroads in the history of human civilization… Yet even now serious attempts to explore long-term human futures are largely limited to members of the scientific or futurist communities, while the general public – when it thinks about the future at all – generally does so on the basis of extreme visions offered in works of popular science fiction, which, while highly entertaining, can also be highly misleading and hence very dangerous.”
“Maybe one day, we will all suddenly be enlightened. But by then, it may already be too late. A much better option would be for humans to open multi-level and multi-faceted dialogues, so as to gradually arrive at a deep consensus on how to correct the flaws in our existing civilization, and to agree on what kind of future we need; how we can create this kind of future; and how humanity itself can improve to establish and maintain a sustainable existence while enabling responsible development.” (p.1)
Technology presents significant risks to human survival:
“Consider too, the explosive development of hard technology and the growing danger of widespread damage from technologies that, intentionally or not, may spin out of control, as well as the dangers posed by ever-greater technological intervention in human life, and the dimensions of the so-called crisis of science and technology appear so vast as to make this truly a crisis of human evolution and survival.” (p.1)
随着硬技术的爆炸式发展、对技术负面影响的失控之可能性增加以及技术干预人类的生命系统等所导致的科学技术危机、人类的进化方向乃至人类文明危机正在凸现。“If we do not seek to halt the abuse of technology, the speed of the destruction of the Earth and humanity will accelerate. According to the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University, the greatest danger to humanity is not plague, famine, earthquakes, or even nuclear war, but highly developed science and technology. The rapid speed of scientific and technological development exceeds the human ability to control it. This is like placing a deadly weapon in the hands of a child.” (p.10)
Human cooperation and civilizational transformation are needed to stop humans destroying themselves:
“If human beings who share an earth cannot correctly grasp the direction of human evolution; if they cannot alter their destructive relationship with nature, and abandon “people-centered” and ‘'self-centered” thinking everywhere; if they cannot alleviate the threat of war and terrorism “as soon as possible” through the sublimation and perfection of human nature, and create a more advanced civilization; if they cannot deal with the planet’s common crises—climate change, species extinction, land and food shortages, water pollution, etc; in short, if they cannot correctly learn the lessons of the current global catastrophe caused by the COVID-19; if they cannot promote the real awakening of all mankind; and cooperate to establish a new world order and accelerate the pace of civilizational transformation, then indeed the human race is doomed to move toward self-destruction long before the dangers posed by gene-enhanced Super-beings or robots endowed with artificial intelligence robots ever emerge.” (p.6)
Existential risk from AI is credible:
[In a section called “People worry that the enhanced beings resulting from technological integration could become superior to humans in the short term, and ultimately seek to control humans, or supplant them entirely”, the author cites concerns from Stephen Hawking, Martin Rees, and “a center for ‘Terminator studies1’launched at Cambridge University.”] (p.12)
Traditional humans could face the tragic fate that present-day animals suffer:
“Most animals today cannot avoid a tragic fate. Except for a few lucky animals, such as dogs and cats that are treated as pets, most animals become food for humans, and furthermore, in order to improve their flavor, humans often interfere with the way animals are treated during their short lifespans…. If a species whose “ability” is greater than that of traditional humans appears in the world, will traditional humans meet the fate that most animals currently experience?” (pp.76-79)
Weaponized viruses present catastrophic risks:
“Unfortunately, there are hundreds of biochemical laboratories or biochemical research bases all over the world, many of them are conducting research of bioweapons. Genetically modified organisms, genetic weapons, and other biological weapons that are less obvious and more lethal are also being researched and developed. In the event of a virus research accident or the intentional misuse of these technologies, the resulting disaster will exceed that from any previous weapons of mass destruction.” (p.86)
We must not carry the warped values of Industrial Civilization to other planets, and there must be a legal system for space management:
“In discussing interstellar civilization, first of all, the idea of space colonization is undesirable… Secondly, we must guard against the militarization of the sky… Third, we should not regard other planets as potential refuges for traditional human beings after being defeated in the battle over human–machine civilization on earth…”
“We must not carry the warped values of Industrial Civilization to other planets… These include the struggle to obtain absolute domination over nature and behavior patterns such as the unrestricted pursuit of material desires, advocating lifestyles of high consumption and high waste, perpetuating the ideological confrontation between East and West and the great disparity between the development of the North and the South.”
“If we “clone” or even “popularize” these models for human failure on earth to other planets, then human beings will destroy other planets one by one, just as we destroy the natural environment of the earth. In this sense, developing space technology alone is not enough to prepare human beings to migrate from our home planet. The world needs to establish a complete legal system for space management. It can be seen that promoting the transformation of Industrial Civilization is an important prerequisite for the creation of Interstellar Civilization.” (p.158)
China’s rejuvenation requires futures research:
“From the perspective of a country, futures research can be said to be a higher-level form of basic research. It provides research results that enable a country to formulate a long-term development strategy, so as to enhance its comprehensive national strength and maintain its prosperity, including pointing out the most promising direction for basic research. German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel said that a nation is hopeless unless it has people who look up at the stars with lively interest. If a nation is only concerned with immediate things, it has no future.”
[The author goes on to make several recommendations including “The gaps in China’s futures research require deep reflection”, “For China’s overall rejuvenation, futures studies must be strengthened”, and “We need to deeply study and promote the transformation of human civilization.”]
Humans should pursue a transition from Industrial Civilization to a Global Civilization, to an interstellar Great Civilization:
“The twenty-first to the twenty-second century will be a transition period when the world will move from an Industrial Civilization towards a Global Civilization…”
“If the transition period of Industrial Civilization is regarded as the incubation period for Global Civilization, another 400 years (from the twenty-second to the twenty-fifth century) may be required from first consciously promoting Global Civilization in individual countries to realizing it throughout the world (this timetable assumes that we take sufficiently good care of the Earth and that human beings continue to evolve and survive on Earth)...”
“After this, the transition from Global Civilization to Great Civilization will require long and difficult efforts… But I believe that human beings can eventually transition from Global Civilization to Great Civilization, and that the period required may be even shorter than those of previous eras…”
FIGURE 5.1: From Industrial to Global to Great Civilization
图 5.1: 从工业文明,到全球文明,再到伟大文明
图 5.1: 从工业文明,到全球文明,再到伟大文明
Transitions between civilizational paradigms present significant risks:
“In this long process of transforming civilization, it remains an open question whether human beings can successfully complete two major civilization paradigm shifts, so as to avoid a sudden drop off in the progress of human civilization. The key is how to cope effectively with risks in the transition period of civilization just ahead (see Figure 5.2).” (pp. 196-197)
FIGURE 5.2: Warning: several critical periods of historical paradigm shift
图 5.2:警示:文明范式转变的几个关键时期
图 5.2:警示:文明范式转变的几个关键时期
Translator’s notes
1. This is how the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk was referred to in reports relating to the planned launch of the centre in 2012, e.g. https://www.highereddive.com/news/cambridge-to-launch-center-for-terminator-studies/75756/